Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A sense of Ratin the International comunuty

Since the deadly Earthquake last Tuesday in Haiti, we have seen tremendous effort within the international community to assist .The Key question is this: Are the assistances have been effectively well coordinated. The answer is no, and each of you would agree with me on that assertion.
1. Numerous NGO’s, International institutions, aids reliefs groups, Military Personals etc on the grounds but all of them concentrate in the only capitol’s devastated airport. Which create traffic and congestion and not facilitate a clear routing of the treatments or aids to those in dire needs.
2. Who’s in charge? Who’s giving orders? Who reports to whom? What have been done so far? What are the plans for the several weeks, months or ….?
Port au Prince has been destroyed no questions about, the city cannot be rebuild while dead bodies on the grounds, no electricity, no communications system. It is Time to deconcentrate

To be more effective, the multiple institutions should set up their Headquarter in nearby areas such as Saint Marc, Duvalierville, Lagonave, Jacmel, Leogane etc.Most of those cities are accessible and not as devastated as Port au Prince. By Helicopter it could take 30 minutes or less to transport injured people and treat successfully. Also it would be a better environment to work for the personals of those institutions.
Moreover, communications companies should relocate in big cities such as cap Haitian, Les Cayes, Jeremie etc in order to provide services to the people in and out of Haiti. It is shameful more than a week since the catastrophe occurred, international organizations and reporters keep using their satellite telephones. The Haitians CEO’s are completely out of touch on how business is conducted in today’s world. Giving the state of this situation, it is clear that rebuilding the Haitian capital is not for tomorrow or next months or years.Therefore, so many pieces are missed in that puzzle we are all watching as the traumas continue to be unfolded to all of us and our friends around the world.However, our gratitude towards those friends constitutes the creed of the mutual sentiment which would never be ended for generation to come

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